miss bunni doll's blog

blog post #2: i took my new, lovely cat to the vet

tags: diary entry, cat, pet

I took my beloved cat, Milliy to the vet. We recently adopted her around two weeks ago. She was an outside cat who everyone around in our neighborhood love and adore. She is very well-behaved, affectionate, sweet and gentle. She is very smart, too. She looks like a tabby American shorthair. She already has been taken to the vet twice by neighbors, they've tried looking to see if anyone owned her for a month but found nothing. She was essentially a stray but very loved and would be fed and given water by people from the office. We had fed her before, too. But many times we wouldn't see her. She was so skinny 3: One time when we fed her, her face looked so tired. Right after eating the tuna we gave her, her belly expanded and her face looked more full of life, her eyes awaken and less tired. I was so worried about the storms when she was still outside. We were told sometimes she would be brought into the office but the office closes at 5. I doubt they'd keep her in there all night. Poor kit. We had been wanting to cat-nap her for a while before we knew she wasn't owned, we didn't want to take someone's cat; she had a collar. We gladly found out they were searching for a home for her. She was also already chipped. She was almost put down because there was no space for her at the shelter she ended up at, thankfully they found the chip and took her back to our neighborhood. I'm so happy we saved her! She is the lovliest cat. Even the people who work on our homes knew her and missed her after we took her in. We were checked up on. Milliy is very spoiled by us. We have gotten her so many cat beds and toys already. She is a healthier weight already too.

At the vet she received a booster shot, we were given topical medication for fleas, even though they couldn't find any fleas, she has been a little itchy, so we are glad to treat her anyway just in case. We have to go turn in a fecal sample tomorrow so they can test if she has parasites.

She was so anxious in the car in her carrier bag. She is usually quiet and mellow, but she was crying so much on our way to the vet, and also when we were driving home. She calmed down the closer we got to our house. It really felt like she was scared we were going to abandon her or take her to some shelter like she'd never see us again ;_; Of course not!! How could we! She is such a sweet cat, I feel so lucky we were the ones who ended up with her. No one else was able to take her in even though they adored her. I can't believe she hadn't been snatched, but I am also so relieved and happy she ended up with us, we love her so much and I believe it was truly meant to be. Once she arrived back home she calmed down. We gave her wet food so she can forgive us for accidentally spooking her. She was purring so loud and laid down comfortably on our floor. She seems very happy with us. She looks very young as well. They checked her teeth and said she can be between 1-2 years old. We think she is barely 1, she is so small and looks so young. Poor kitty, was outside fending for herself! She had hidey places during the storms we were told. Now she is warm, well-fed, safe and comfy in our cozy little home. I have been wanting a cat again for a while as it's been years since I've had one and I loveee them. She is the best cat I've ever known, so well-behaved. She would expose her belly for pets from everyone and roll around when she was outside. Cats are usually more stand offish, wary and distant, but she is the biggest sweetheart, while also having killer outside cat instincts when it comes to playing her toys. She is hilarious, sometimes her mouth becomes open, or she sticks out her little tongue, or moves her head left to right sometimes in a funny situation, she is so expressive. She also seems like she understands us like when we tell her not to scratch the couch. She loves hanging around near us. She licks us a lot and starts purring when we carry her. I love you so much silly, pretty kitty Milliy!!!

written 10/22/2024

update on spelling 10/30/2024 ^^ The people at the office named her, we felt "Mill-y" was a fitting name so we kept it. Except we don't know how they spelled it, I'm assuming "Milly". We added an "i". So, her name is officially now Milliy. I find this spelling so cute & much more charming & fitting for such an adorable kitkit!

blog post #1: things i'd like to do before october ends!

tags: fun, fall, halloween, activities, cozy, relaxing, enjoyable, nice, exciting

Here is a list I created ♡

update 10/21/2024: i added "make boo baskets" & halloween date night to my printed list! i thought it would be fun to make a boo basket for someone/receive one & go out on a halloween date in costume ")

written 10/18/2024